Friday, December 31, 2010

Innovationeer Power Keys

During this Innovationeer Business English course, you will explore Power Keys.

Power Keys are a group of skills that once mastered, will allow each of you to maintain a 'quality consciousness' that will serve you throughout your career and your life time.

There are many Power Keys and you will have many to choose from:

18 Globalization Skills
12 Knowledge Economy Skills
10 'Doer' vs. 'Dreamer' Skills
9 Multiple Intelligences
8 Life Long Learning Skills
6 Critical Thinking Skills
5 Levels of Performance

Like any skill, they grow stronger with practice and reflection.

As you learn these Power Keys and observe their effect on your life, you post your personal impressions, opinions and observations onto this specific blog.

Feel free to embellish your blog post with pictures and anything else that will make your contribution memorable, unique and fun to read!

Enjoy your Power Keys!

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Innovationeer Book Synopsis

Every time an Innovationeer reads something, they write a summary of what they have read.

Why is this important?

There are several reasons:

1) Reviewing the material develops better memory of what you just read.

2) Writing about it gives you another opportunity to practice you writing skills.

3) Correcting what you have written allows you to develop your overall ability to write.

So for each book you read in the Innovationeer Business English class, be sure to write a summary of the book on this blog.

Happy writing!

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Innovationeer Arts in Education

Every time an Innovationeer creates a work of art, it gives them something to write or talk about.

In this blog, you will submit a blog entry for every major piece your create by yourself or with a team of people.

If you created the art piece as part of a group, then write about what you individually contributed to the project and what you thought about the quality of your contribution.

If you created the art piece individually, then write about the process in creating the piece, what you wished to communicate, and how you felt about the finished product.

Please feel free to add a picture or a visual to make your blog entry unique and special!

And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the process of writing!

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Innovationeer Presentations

The ability to clearly and confidently present information to other is an essential skill.

In this section, you will practice making both individual and team presentations in five different activities.

You will become more confident in your skills at creating and presenting any information to an individual or group of people.

You will be amazed at how your skill improves with each activity!

After each presentation, you post your personal impressions, opinions and observations onto this specific blog.

Feel free to publish your blog post with pictures and anything else that will make your post memorable, unique and fun to read!

Enjoy your posts!

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Emerging Innovationeers

The mindset of an Innovationeer is a set of skills developed over time.

The Emerging Innovationeer is a sequence of five activities you begin in class and polish outside of class during the six-week Innovationeer course:

1) Becoming an Artist
2) Viewing Perspective
3) Acquiring Precision
4) Refining your Art
5) Individualizing your Creations.

Every time you find and develop one of your five new skills, you post your personal impressions, opinions and observations onto this specific blog.

Feel free to embellish your blog post with pictures and anything else that will make your contribution memorable, unique and fun to read.

Enjoy your time as an Emerging Innovationeer!

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Innovationeer Persona Monologues

A "persona" is like a mask or attitude that you adopt for different situations.

Actors and actresses adopt persona's so they can realistically portray the character they play in a movie or on stage. Persona's are a natural part of everyday life as well!

People may create different persona's for different situations, like when you are with your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, employers etc.

The Persona Monologue is a 5 minute presentation that reveals to the other Innovationeers in your course the person you have chosen to become.

You will choose this person in the first days of the course and build your persona of the person with a series of activities in and out of class.

You will post your observations of each Persona Monologue activity on this blog.

Feel free to embellish your blog post with pictures and anything else that will make your contribution memorable, unique and fun to read!

Enjoy your time creating and presenting your Persona Monologue.

Best Regards,

The ICAL Team

Innovationeer Projects

The Innovationeer Project is your final activity for the entire 6 week Innovationeer Business English course.

It is a mastery demonstration of you and your team's creation of something that does not now exist in the world. It is your project that creates it!

Your project has three specific attributes. It must be:

1.) Didactic (it teaches something)

2.) Aesthetic (it is beautiful to behold) and

3.) Psychological (it improves peoples' emotional lives)

The Innovationeer Project is built systematically over the six week course through a series of five activities that are developed by your team, culminating in a model of the project and a presentation to the class of your project.

As you complete and present each of the five activities and your project to the class, you post your personal impressions, opinions and observations onto this specific blog.

Feel free to embellish your blog post with pictures and anything else that will make your contribution memorable, unique and fun to read!

Creativity, spelling and grammar all count toward your evaluation, so you may wish to construct your reply on Microsoft Word first, perform a spell check and a grammar check and then paste your post onto the blog.

Be sure to write in the 'first person'.

Enjoy your Innovationeer Projects!

Best Regards,


The New Thing I Learned and When I Had Fun!

Each session of the Innovationeer Business English Course is a fast-paced 90 minutes filled with new information and new experiences.

To ensure that your new information is permantently acquired, you must review it every day.

We ask you to complete a form at the end of class each day:
"When did you have fun?"
"What as one new thing you learned today?"

This evening, take a moment to think about your day again and answer the two questions above. You may remember something different from the response you made in class.

Now, enter two new thoughts on this blog. Have fun and we'll see you tomorrow!

The ICAL Team